What is a lifting table?
Hydraulic lifting tables are used to lift material up to an appropriate height of a work process. They may be fixed or transportable. The charged is usually hydraulically moving either directly by one or more hydraulic stamps or indirectly through scissors. Another way to use a lifting table is fixed lifting platforms or elevators where the lifting table lifts material or people from one level to another.
In addition, lifting tables can be used in the workplace's interior design, so that employees' working environment is optimized
Lifting tables are also used in a large style of car dealers, where the lifting table lifts cars from the living room level to the first floor, just as the lifting table can also handle the task of lifting a pallet of paper from the sidewalk up to the print on the first floor. Automatic parking garages where the cars are automatically placed for customers are also possible by means of eg. The option of the lifting table.
Lifting tables must comply with the provisions of the occupational health and safety legislation for technical aids. All Jema Lift lifting tables do this.
How to maintain a lifting table?
For lifting tables that are mechanically run, at least every 12 months of the supplier or other expert must be carried out. Jema Lift, of course, offers to complete the statutory inspections for you.
The user of a lifting table must check every day before commissioning that the table's safety functions are in order and that there are no visible deficiencies.
During maintenance, repair or cleaning under the lifted table, the table must be maintained securely in the lifting position with a proper locking device. There must be divorced.
A lifting table can be arranged so that the table can be folded up to facilitate maintenance and supervision. Such a clapping table must be maintained securely in its open position.
What to think about before ordering a lifting table?
Before choosing your lifting table, it is a good idea to read the instructions here:
Lifting tables must be so arranged that they can be used, set and maintained so that the user or others are not exposed to danger. The lifting table must be provided with instructions for use and clearly labeled with supplier information. If necessary, information from the instruction manual must be specified on the lifting table.
The operating bodies must work so that the movement immediately stops when the operating body is released (dead man's button).
Service bodies must be located or designed so that unintended impact is prevented. For example, push buttons must be delayed or fitted with a collar. Pedals must have cover.
The function of the operating organs must be indicated by easily understandable symbols or text in Danish.
Fixed mounted lifting tables must be provided with one or more emergency stops that stop all functions.
An emergency stop must be visible and easily accessible for operation and arranged so that the lifting table cannot be started until the emergency stop is reset.
Transportable lifting tables with wheels must have a brake or other blocking device for the wheels.
A transportable lifting table for horizontal transport of goods must be provided with a fixed handle or hanger approx. 1 m above floor and with a free spacing to the raised table edge of at least 100 mm.
Brake or blocking device for the wheels must be able to be operated by the operator in a standing position.
The edges of the table and undercarriage should be painted with black-yellow or red-white warning stripes.
Clamping hazard between scissors arms must be prevented as follows:
The distance from the edge of the table and the bottom frame and into the scissors arms must be at least 50 mm. The distance between the individual arms must be at least 30 mm.
Clamping hazard under the bottom of the table must be prevented as follows:
Either all the way around there must be a feel list that stops the movement at the touch before the feeling list has reached its end position or there must always be a free spacing under the edge of the table of at least 120 mm. The lifting table must be clearly labeled with the largest permitted load in kg.
How is a lifting table used properly?
During the use, the lifting table must stand on horizontal, firm and sustainable substrate. If it is fixed, it should be tightly tightened to the substrate. If it is provided with wheels, they must be interrupted or otherwise properly blocked.
Goods must be placed properly on the table so that it cannot overturn or fall down, and the largest permissible load must not be exceeded. This load may be specified as SWL (SAFE WORKING LOAD) or WLL (Working Load Limit).
Horizontal transport of goods on lifting tables may only be done with a completely lowered table.
During horizontal transport, the estate should not protrude outside the edges of the table.
Fuse parts and other protective equipment must not be removed during use.
In the case of fixed lifting tables, it must be ensured that the free distance of at least 0.5 meters up to a height of 2.1 meters is observed and that no goods are stacked around the lifting table closer than 0.5 meters from the free edges of the load. If this cannot be met, the work area of the lifting table must be blocked off or the clamping danger must be countered in another equally secure way.
A tool must be taken out of use in a proper way according to the conditions as soon as the tool is found or damage that may cause accident or health hazard. The same applies when circumstances arise that may mean that the substrate in the tool's work area is not firm and sustainable, or that the operating, monitoring or control bodies on which the safety of the tool does not work as intended.
The instructions for use must always be stored on or at the lifting table. If the instruction manual is not stored on the lifting table, it must be stated where the instructions for use are stored.
What is meant by min. height?
What does hike mean?
Hiking is the total movement of the lifting table. Thus, the possible height difference from the lowest to highest position.
What is evenly distributed load?
The lifting capacity of a lifting table is based on distributed load all over the worktop. If there is punk load either sides or longitudes, the lifting table's lifting capacity will be lower. As a rule, a lifting table manages 50% load over one half of the table top longitudinally, while it manages 1/3 part over one half sides. The lifting capacity of a lifting table must never be exceeded.
Can I get the lifting table to raise faster?
Yes. But it usually requires a larger hydraulic pump and engine. The greater the pump and motor, the greater the flow of the hydraulics and thereby higher raising speed. At speeds above 0.1 meters per Second, some form of variable pump should usually be used.
Does Jema Lift make special promises?
Yes. Jema Lift can deliver a lifting table for any task. Special tables are usually built out of modules from standard tables, but we also make a lot of lifting tables that are built 100% according to the customer's needs. We are good at customer -specific solutions and it is not at all as expensive as you might think.
What is a double horizontal shaft lifting table?
Very long lifting tables with relatively low lifting height are usually built by several scissors in succession. The scissors are mechanically synchronized and thus lifts completely alike and stable at all heights.
Can my lifting table keep standing outdoors?
Yes. As a starting point, our lacquered surfaces are strong and high quality, but for the best finish and durability we recommend a galvanized solution.
Can a lifting table be built into a fully automatic system?
Yes. Our lifting tables are used in all industries and also often in fully automatic systems. Our standard control is prepared with inputs from PLC, so it is very easy to integrate a lifting table into another system.
How stable is a lifting table?
A Jema lifting table is made of arms of profile steel and with high quality hydraulics. The lifting table is thus really stable. However, at full load compared to no load, you should expect the lifting table to give up a bit. This is typically about 1-2 cm.
What are the rules of service?
Lifting tables are covered by the rules for statutory inspection (that instruction no. of May 1996 and more). Normal lifting tables must have performed service and control inspection every 12 months. Goods and personnel elevators must have it made several times per day. year. Jema Lift has a service department and offers this service throughout the country.